Stainless Steel Fasteners: What You Need to Know

Tool Talk
stainless steal fastnere

Thinking about using stainless steel fasteners for your next project? While they’re known for their strength and rust resistance, choosing the right ones can feel overwhelming. Let’s break down the most common questions about stainless steel fasteners to help you make the best choice for your project.  Why does the grade of stainless steel matter

Exploring Cut-Resistant Gloves: Your Ultimate Guide with Ottawa Fastener Supply

Tool Talk
Cut Resistant Gloves

In a bustling city like Ottawa, workplace safety is paramount. When it comes to protecting your hands from potential hazards, investing in high-quality cut-resistant gloves is essential. Ottawa Fastener Supply understands this need, offering a comprehensive range of safety equipment to cater to the city’s diverse industries. In this guide, we’ll dive into everything you

Will Stainless Steel Fasteners Ever Rust?

Tool Talk
OFS Feb 2021 Stainless 01

Don’t be fooled. Just because your favourite fastener happens to be made of stainless steel does not mean it is impervious to rust. It is true. You may even find rust in as little as four or five days depending on the grade of steel used. That means it is possible to walk out on

7 Commonly Asked Questions about Fasteners in 2020

Tool Talk

Choosing the best fastener for your project helps ensure it is built strong and will last for years. However, walking down the aisle of a hardware store and seeing hundreds of boxes of bolts, nuts, and screws overwhelms even the most hardened carpenter. Why so many different kinds? A bolt is a bolt is a